Full Form OF CV

What is Curriculum Vitae?

 CV Curriculum Vitae.

The full form of CV is curriculum vitae.
 CV is a written account of a person's educational qualification, professional experience, accomplishments, and other experiences. 
 CV  is a complete profile of a candidate including his name, address, phone number, email id, educational qualification, hobbies, achievement, soft skills, language known, computer skills, career objective, marital status, etc.
 In one-word curriculum vitae is a summary of education degrees and employment experience.
 CV is a more extensive document given to the potential employer enough information that they can employ you with minimum possible interviews.
 In CV no need for pasting the photo, salary history, and reasons for leaving the previous job. These reasons can be provided to the employer separately upon the request. In commonwealth countries like Ireland, United Kingdon  2 page is in the CV and summary of job seeker, employment history, educational information, and some personal information is mentioned.  In some Asian Countries, employers ask for a photo, date of birth, and even the salary history of the previous job.

While drafting the CV following points must be considered and must highlight.

CV Match: Highlight your education, achievements, and professional experience required for the job applied.

Highlight Points: Detailed point that you are a suitable candidate for the job.

Template: Use suitable templates to structure your CV.

Proofreading: Check your CV thoroughly for spelling and grammatic errors. 

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