Full Form OF Computer

What is the full form of Computer 

The computer is a word derived from the Latin word Compute. Its meaning is to calculate. The word Computer is not an abbreviation or acronym. In an easy word you can say it is an electronic machine that is used for fast calculation. There are some sayer Computer full form is 

C stands for Commonly
O stands for Operating 
M stands for Machine
P stands for Particularly
U stands for Used for
T stands for Teaching
E stands for Education &
R stands for Research
But this is not the correct definition or full form of computer. It is some sort of myth for the computer definition. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, " It is an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines"

full form of computer

How Computer Works:

Principal characteristics of a computer are two: 
1. It responds to a selected set of instructions during a well-defined manner 
2. It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program).

Nowadays Modern Computers are electronic and digital. the particular machinery — wires, transistors, and circuits — is named hardware; the instructions and data are called software.

The following hardware components are required on the computer.

Input Device: A Keyboard and mouse, the data input device is the conduit through which data and directions enter a computer.

Output Device: A monitor, printer, or other devices that allow you to see what the pc has accomplished.

A central processing unit (CPU): the guts of the pc, this is often the component that really executes instructions.

Memory: Enables a computer to store, a minimum of temporarily, data, and programs.
Mass storage device: allows a computer to permanently retain large amounts of knowledge. Common mass storage devices include solid-state drives (SSDs) or disk drives and tape drives.

There are different types of computers. you might have heard the computers comes in different shape and size and perform a different function in our daily activities such as desktop and laptop.
Swapping card at a store, Withdrawing cash from ATM, or using a calculator. These are all computers.

Charles Babbage was considered the father of the computer. He invented and conceptualized the first mechanical computer in the 19th century.

Based on the history of computing hardware, Computers are categorized into generations.

1st generation of computers was based on vacuums.
2nd generation was based on transistors.
3rd generation was based on integrated circuits
4th generation was based on Microprocessor.
5th generation was based on Artificial intelligence.

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